Platelet-Rich Plasma Injection Therapy

Platelet-Rich Plasma Injection Therapy (PRP) allows our veterinarians to offer your an all-natural, drug free pain relief option to your dogs and cats right in Jefferson Veterinary Hospital.

PRP injection therapy utilizes blood plasma with concentrated platelets that once activated accelerate the healing properties and result in faster recovery times from surgeries and wounds for your pet.


PRP injection therapy is a non surgical procedure where the animal’s own blood is taken and then platelets are extracted and injected directly into a wound or surgical site to help promote healing.  It aims to reduce the time that it takes for your pet to heal after surgery, and help speed up healing and recovery time and reduce pain in cases of major wounds. Contact Jefferson Veterinary Hospital for more information and to find out if this would work for your pet.

Call us at 301-473-4111 or visit Jefferson Veterinary Hospital to learn more about stem cell therapy and PRP therapies, and to see if these treatments are a good option to help your cat or dog.
